Hotels & Resorts

Cafe Summit

Cafe Summit is now DOT-Certified

July 07, 2020 | by:

Cafe Summit Greenhills & Tagaytay are DOT-certified!

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All dishes are meticulously prepared with strict observance of government-approved safety protocols.

We are dedicated to ensuring that only fresh and quality food are delivered to your homes.

Check out our full menu, and give us a ring or send us a message on Viber for orders:

Full Menu:

Contact Details: Cafe Summit Greenhills: (02) 8 898 5200 | 0919 078 0790

Cafe Summit Tagaytay: (02) 8 240 6888 | 0998 840 2578

You can pick-up your order directly or via any delivery app service available in your area, and pay via cash, credit card, or bank transfer.

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